Job Management
- Understanding the students on your caseload
- Scheduling
- Roles and responsibilities
- Effective parent communication
- IEP planning and meeting facilitation
Developing, Implementing, & Monitoring IEPs
- Writing a IDEA compliant IEP
- Using data to guide your IEP decisions
- Progress monitoring
- Data collection
- Least restrictive environment
Teacher Well-Being
- Handling your stress
- Working through difficult situations
- Developing effective communication skills
- Self Care
- Selecting research supported practices
- Differentiating instruction for all learners
- Developing and implementing specialized skills classes (transition, functional, social)
- Implementing an alternate curriculum
Administration Support
- Identification of high qualify special education programming
- Efficient use of resources
- SPED data development, organization, and analysis
- Effectively evaluating Special Education staff
- Role and responsibilities
- Avoiding legal issues
- Providing a continuum of services within your district
- Locating and utilizing resources
Classroom Management
- Roles and responsibilities for all environments
- Implementing effective strategies
- Setting up an effective classroom environment
- Paraprofessionals
- Behaviors
Evaluating for Eligibility
- Evaluation planning
- Implemented a multidisciplinary evaluation
- Evaluation assessment and data collection
- Report writing
- Support in evaluation for unique circumstances
Specifically Designed Instruction
- Instructional interventions
- Organizing your instruction for all learners
- Providing feedback on instruction
- Using data to drive your instructional decisions
- Locating instructional resources
- Scaffolding instruction
Collaboration and Co-Teaching
- Including general educators in the evaluation and IEP process
- Providing input into general education instruction and planning
- Collaborative scheduling
- Special Education focused professional development
- Collaborative engagement with parents
- Understanding roles in special education and general education
- Collaborating with related services providers
- Breaking down the silos