Jennifer Biggers
- Title: Birth to Three Project Coordinator
- Division: Community & Family Services
- Department: Birth to Three
Jennifer serves as a Project Coordinator for the Birth to Three Program. She joined BHSSC in 2011 as a Service Coordinator for Birth to Three. She graduated from Northern State University with a degree in K-12 Special Education. After teaching for 1 year in Vermillion she moved back home to the Black Hills where she worked at YFS for 5 years as an EHS Teacher working with young children and families. Then in 2011 was recruited by the RCAS Bto3 team for the Birth to Three Service Coordinator position.
Jennifer has a passion for helping others and has worked over 25 years in the helping profession working in a nursing home, group homes, psychiatric hospital, school, Early Head Start, and now Birth to Three. She became a Certified Common Sense Parenting Instructor in 2015 and has taught over 30 classes. She has been a guardian and conservator to her brother since 2018. She served as a community representative for RAI policy council for 5 years and is now on the Families First Advisory Council.
In her free time, you will find Jennifer gardening, doing home projects, reading, or taking care of her 30ish house plants. She enjoys spending time with her husband and two children going Jeeping, hiking, camping, or any other activity outdoors.