Lisa Tiensvold
- Title: Family Education Specialist
- Department: Families First Early Learning Foundations
Lisa Tiensvold is thrilled to join the BHSSC team as the Administrative Coordinator for the Bright Start and Families First Home Visiting Programs. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Family Consumer Sciences. The past 15 years prior to joining BHSSC, Lisa owned and directed Scribbles Children’s Academy, a preschool for ages 3-6. She has loved pouring her heart into young children and their families her whole career and is excited to continue serving families in this new way.
Loving growing up in her small town of Chadron, Nebraska, Lisa knew it was where she and her late husband Bob would raise 3 beautiful children into the amazing young adults they are now. The next chapter of empty nesting in the lovely Black Hills of SD is definitely a new and exciting adventure for her.
Lisa is all about family and friends, spending time with them is her favorite pastime but also loves to help and cook for them, golf, read, and spend time outdoors.